Reverse engineering and visual trace are additional processes that help teams harvest existing intellectual capital. 逆向工程和可视化跟踪是另外一些帮助团队获得现有智力资产的流程。
One has to Reverse Engineer the Virtual Machine ( or trace it blindly) in order to understand its instruction set. 你需要逆向虚拟机(盲目的跟踪)了解它的指令集。
Stopped-flow reverse flow injection analysis for Trace Manganese the system of Mn~ ( 2+)-nah_2po_2-kio_4-nta 痕量锰的停流反相流动注射分析&Mn~(2+)-NaH2PO2-KIO4-NTA催化体系
The paper uses reverse distance weighted method to estimate and calculate the internal dip value in the interpolation region according to the dip value of the boundary trace. 本文应用逆距离加权法从边界道的倾角值估算插值区的内部倾角值。
A new reverse flow-injection chemiluminescence method for the determination of trace amounts of sulfide was developed. It is based on the enhancement of sulfide on the chemiluminescence reaction of KIO_ ( 4) with Luminol. 在碱性条件下,基于硫离子对鲁米诺和高碘酸钾化学发光反应有很强的增敏作用,建立了反向流动注射化学发光法检测水中痕量硫离子的新方法。